Friday, October 31, 2008

Astro Bolik (Modif)

Tutorial Membuat Wajan Bolik

Jangkauan 5-6 km (clear line)
Signal stabil
Boost wireless 5 x

Bahan yang perlu dipersiapkan
Wajan / Parabola Astro / Indovison tanpa feeder
USB Wireless (Tplink WN6230G – WN 322G – WN 321G / WSMCUSB)
Pralon 3” ± 25 cm
Tutup Pralon 3” 1 buah
Tutup Pralon ¾” 1 buah
Mur – Baut / Sekrup panjang 15 cm
Alumunium Foil secukupnya
Lem Pralon /Alteco
Keping CD bekas (penutup pralon transparan)
Solder – Isolasi

Sebelum Anda memulai perkerjaan, pingin saya jelaskan bahwa setiap wireless mempunyai karakteristik sendiri-sendiri, yang semuanya mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangan. Nah dari situ, sebaiknya Anda melakukan percobaan terlebih dahulu dengan menggunakan Pralon Tester. Tujuannya agar sinyal yang didapat betul-betul kuat, stabil dan tepat pada titik fokusnya.

Persiapan Kabel USB dan UTP perpanjangan
Dalam menyambung kabel ini memang butuh ketelitian khusus. Jangan sampai Wireless Anda terbakar gara-gara salah dalam menyambung kabel perpanjangan.
Dipasaran sering kita jumpai kabel perpanjangan dengan panjang 1-2 meter. Kabel perpanjangan tersebut memang dibuat sependek mungkin karena menghindari Power Lost atau kehilangan tegangan. Nah pada intinya disini bahwa semakin panjang kabel perpanjangan yang akan kita buat semakin besar resiko power lost. Untuk itu sebaiknya Anda menggunakan kabel peranjangan secukupnya.

Penyambungan Kabel UTP
Potong kabel perpanjangan USB sekitar 2 cm dari pangkalnya. Jangan terlalu panjang memotongnya, berpengaruh besar terhadap arus + dan – yang terkirim ke wireless.
Kupas isolator kabelnya dan tampakkan kawat serabutnya. Lakukan hal yang sama pada kabel UTP . Lakukan langkah penyambungan seperti pada gambar, 2 kabel UTP di gabung untuk power (+), 4 kabel digabung untuk power (-). 2 kabel lainnya dibiarkan sendiri-sendiri untuk data. Amplaslah kawat email UTP agar nantinya bisa kuat melekat dengan serabut USB. Sambunglah dengan menggunakan soldir dan yakinkan bahwa sambungan Anda bener-bener kuat (alias mateng tenan…). Isolasi sambungan Anda dan lindungi dari air yang masuk dan bahaya arus pendek (alias konsleting). Teknik penyambungan 2 kabel dan 4 kabel ini bisa mengurangi power lost hingga 50%. Panjang kabel yang bisa disambung mencapai 15 meter langsung ke USB 2.0 (tanpa repeater). Walau demikian, semua itu tergantung dari jenis wirelessnya. Ada yang bisa terkoneksi baik, ada yang ogah-ogahan (pedot-pedot).

Persiapan dengan Pralon Tester :
Potong pralon 3” dengan panjang 25 cm. Buat lubang memanjang dari ujung kiri sekitar 8 cm dan dari ujung kanan sekitar 2 cm. Jadi panjang lubang sekitar 15 cm. Jangan lupa memasang alumunium foil pada pralon. Potong alumunium foil dengan panjang 19 cm. Pasangkan pada pralon I cm dari ujung kanan. Pasang tutup pralon 3” dan tutup pralon ¾” yang sudah di lubang tengahnya. Pralon tester siap di gunakan. Pasangkan pada feeder Astro, pastikan lubang tester di posisi lurus dengan penyangga feeder. Masukkan wireless pada lubang tester dan sambungkan ke USB komputer.

Proses Tuning
Setelah semua siap, Anda langsung bisa melakukan proses TUNING. Proses ini paling lama, paling mengasikkan dan melelahkan.
Hidupkan Komputer dan buka netstumbler, arahkan Wajan/Astro ke Akses Point (AP) yang ingin Anda hunting. Lihat sinyal yang Anda dapat (Netstumbler). Pastikan Anda mendapat sinyal sekitar 10 db (SNR+). Untuk koneksi yang stabil rata-rata dapat sinyal 12 db (SNR+). Perlu ditambahkan disini bahwa syarat terkoneksi Internet bila AP yang Anda dapat gratis (free Hotspot) atau Anda memang berlangganan dengan AP tersebut.
Usahakan tinggi Anten bisa dijangkau dengan tangan sehingga Anda mudah melakukan proses TUNING. Letakkan CPU + Monitor didekat Anda supaya lebih mudah dalam memantau sinyal. Setelah didapat sinyal yang kuat dan stabil, tandai posisi wireless, yang nantinya jarak yang Anda dapat untuk acuan pada pralon selanjutnya.

Proses Finishing
Setelah Didapat sinyal yang kuat dan stabil, persiapan akhir kita adalah mengganti pralon tester dengan pralon yang fix. Buat pralon dengan ukuran yang sama dan lubangin pralon dengan ukuran yang telah kita dapat tadi. Ukuran lubang tidak lagi 15 cm, tapi hanya selebar wireless Anda. Ingat, bahwa jarak dan posisi wireless yang Anda dapat pada pralon test tadi sebagai acuan utama dalam proses finishing ini. Balut wireless dengan isolasi transparan dan pastikan air tidak masuk ke dalam wireless. Pasangkan pada feeder, dan tutup ujung pralon dengan keping CD bekas. Anda bisa menggunakan bahan lain yang intinya terbuat dari bahan yang transparan seperti : Tutup margarin, Aqua 1 lt yang dipotong dll. Nah setelah semua beres, uji coba lagi ke netstumbler, klo sinya yang didapat sudah stabil seperti tadi, baru kita bisa naikkan antene.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Senator Takes War on Terror to YouTube

Senator Joe Lieberman (I-CT) wants YouTube and parent company Google to stop hosting videos he says are produced by terrorist organizations. In a letter to Google chairman Eric Schmidt, Lieberman said, “Searches on YouTube return dozens of videos branded with an icon or logo identifying the videos as the work of… Islamist terrorist organizations. A great majority of these videos document horrific attacks on American soldiers in Iraq or Afghanistan.”
On its public policy blog, Google responded that prescreening videos is impossible given the number of clips the site receives but that community policing has been an effective means of ensuring YouTube’s terms of service are not violated. While YouTube agreed to remove some of the videos Lieberman found suspect, it left others online, explaining, “While we respect and understand his views, YouTube encourages free speech and defends everyone’s right to expressunpopular points of view. We believe that YouTube is a richer and more relevant platform for users precisely because it hosts a diverse range of views.”

Demo m'Batik 3 Generasi

Demo M'batik Bareng 3 Generasi

Pemkot dan SoloArt kerjasama dalam even "Demo (m)batik Bareng 3 Generasi"
Even ini diadakan di City Walk Solo, tepatnya di samping hotel Riyadi Palace.
Demo ini berlangsung 2 hari dari tanggal 25-26 Oktober 2008. Pingin mencoba m'batik? nah ... disini tempatnya. Salut buat generasi muda yang ternyata m'batiknya nggak kalah dari para seniornya.

Generasi Sepuh

Generasi Muda


Windows 7

Windows 7 (Lang: Indonesia)

Windows 7 diperkirakan akan diluncurkan pada akhir 2009 atau awal 2010. Seperti Apa kelebihan generasi baru dari Windows vista ini ? Sedikit pernyataan dari bill Gates bahwa windows ini difungsikan seperti iPhone-style (iphone-style multi-touch control). Di mana User bisa dengan mudah menggunakan computer hanya dengan menyentuh layer monitor.
Selain kelebihan itu juga ada sesuatu yang berbeda yaitu menu radial yang membantu dalam mengelola menu dengan tombol radial (scroll) pada mouse. Belum Banyak yang bisa di katakan oleh Bill Gates, “kita tidak bisa mengatakan Windows 7 baik atau malah kacau sebelum kita tau isi windows 7 sesungguhnya. Kita tunggu saja akhir tahun 2009 ini.” (Maximum PC)

Membuka dan mencari Photo & Radial Menu

Windows 7 (Lang: English US)

Ballmer and Gates Unveil Windows 7
iPhone-style multi-touch support confirmed for the next version of Windows
At the Wall Street Journal’s D conference, Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer offered a first tantalizing look at Windows 7—the next version of Windows. We haven’t seen the full UI yet, just glimpses of future functionality, including iPhone-style multi-touch control and a radial menu.
The multi-touch functionality that Ballmer and Gates demoed on a Dell Latitude XT laptop looked remarkably similar to the Microsoft Surface, the tabletop computer Microsoft is developing for information kiosks and hotel lobbies. In addition to a Surface-esque photo-management app, they demoed an onscreen piano, a multi-touch paint app, and an impressive mapping app, which featured radial menus.
Radial menus are essentially mouse gestures that use visual guides to help the user navigate more complex menus. Until now, we haven’t seen this power-user feature in mainstream apps, aside from a few games and browser plugins. It’s much too early to start judging Windows 7—rumor is, it will be released in late 2009 or early 2010, at the soonest—but we’re happy to see anything new from Microsoft. -WS

Windows 7’s radial menus will take the place of nested drop-down menus.

Windows 7’s photo browser bears a striking resemblance to the Surface demos we saw
last year.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

MAC OSX86 Kalyway on Asus P5K

Hardware :
Mainboard : Asus P5k
Processor : Intel Core 2 Duo 2,4 E4200
Memory : 2 Gb DDR Pc 6400
HD : ATA 40 Gb
DVDRW : SATA Asus QuicTrack
Display : Ati Radeon x550
Software : Kalyway Leopard 10.5.1 Intel SSE2 and SSE3 Only efi v8

The most difficult part of getting this installation to work with my board was getting the right BIOS settings in place.
Yang paling diperhatikan dalam instalasi ini adalah setting bios Anda.

Step 1:
Pilih MAc Os yang sesuai dengan hardware komputer Anda. Apakah procesor Anda support SSE2 dan atau SSE3. Gunakan Software CPU-Z untuk ceking Hardware Anda.
Pilih Versi Mac OS yang sesuai dengan komputer Anda.
Versi Mac OS bisa di bagi menjadi 2 besar : X Tiger dan OS X Leopard OS X Tiger
Banyak versi di X Tiger, buang versi yang lama dan pilih versi yang terbaru dan ter-update.

Beberapa versi X tiger antara lain :
JaS 10.4.8 AMD Intel SSE2 SSE3 - Compatible with anythingUphuck 10.4.9 1.3 Series - Yet another universal DVD that is compatible with just about anything
Uphuck 10.4.9 1.4i Series - Intel only installation DVD, and it comes at a tiny file size as well Uphuck 10.4.9 1.4a - The AMD version of the 1.4i DVD
Kalyway 10.4.10 Intel SSE3 only - Intel SSE3 only 10.4.10 installation DVD
XxX 10.4.10 - Another Intel only DVD but this one supports SSE2 as well
Tubgirl 10.4.10 - An AMD installation DVD for 10.4.10XxX 10.4.11 - The only 10.4.11 DVD, SSE2 support is untested and some issues with it were reported.

OS X Leopard
Hanya sedikit versi Leopard yang ada. Distro yang bisa Anda pilih :
Leopard Flat Image - Preinstalled image of Leopard that you write on a hard drive ; out dated
ToH 10.5.0 RC2 - The first OS X installer DVD ; compatible with SSE2/SSE3 but Intel only
BrazilMac - This is the only DVD that uses an original Leopard DVD and patches it to be hackintosh compatible ; Intel only, SSE2 compatible with a patched kerneli
ATKOS 10.5.1 v1.0ir2 - Intel only SSE2/SSE3 installation DVD 10.5.1. Many bootloader issues have been reported with this latest creation from the osx86.turk team
Zephyroth 10.5.1 AMD DVD - AMD only DVD for 10.5.1 installs
Kalyway 10.5.1 - Intel only SSE2/SSE3 DVD, many success stories with this DVD
Zephyroth 10.5.2 Rev. 1 - The first 10.5.2 DVD and its AMD only
Leo4All 10.5.2 Universal - Leo4All is a rather new distro of Leopard OSx86 that works on any Intel/AMD SSE2/SSE3 system
Kalyway 10.5.2 Intel/AMD SSE2/SSE3 Universal - The new 10.5.2 version of the popular Kalyway DVD with AMD test support!

Nah Versi mana yang sesuai dengan Komputer Anda silahkan Download lewat Torrent atau Rapidshared.
Penting !!!!!!

Backup data Anda sebelum melakukan instalasi Mac OS X.

Step 2
Kesuksesan instalasi ini sangat dipengaruhi oleh setting bios komputer. Rubah seting bios seperti pada gambar di bawah ini (Untuk Mobo Asus P5K).

Simpan seting bios Anda dan Lanjutkan ke Step Berikutnya.

Step 3
Siapkan DVD Mac OS X yang telah Anda Download, Masukkan ke DVD Drive dan Boot menggunakan DVD. Tentunya seting bios telah Anda rubah dari boot from HD ke Boot from CD/DVD.Tekan F8 saat Darwin Loading (counter), pada (Boot :) ketik -v untuk melacak jalannya instalasi atau ketik vanilla lalu tekan enter. Jika Ada kesalahan atau instalasi berhenti, catat errornya, dan lihat solusinya
di sini atau lewat search Engine / wiki. Kembali ke Instalasi. Jika proses instalasi awal darwin normal, maka akan berhenti pada pilihan Bahasa. Pilih bahasa yang Anda pilih dan klik --->. Klik Continue pada Halaman Welcome. Lalu Klik Agree pada halaman License Agreement.

Step 4
Nah pada step ini kita akan memulai menginstall Mac ke drive tujuan. Pilih drive mana Mac akan di instal. jika belum ada drive di windows tersebut klik Utilities - pilih Disk Utilities.pada langkah ini Anda di haruskan memilih Drive untuk tujuan instalasi Mac. Pilih Drive Anda (dalam hal ini saya memilih Leopard). Klik Erase. Pilih Mac Os Extended (journaled). Menu Security options disini berhubungan dengan proses Erase dimana data pada HD Anda akan dihapus total atau tidak (pada Xp Quick format). Pilih salah satu item, dan masing-masing item membutuhkan prose Erase yang berbeda waktunya. Klik Erase. Setelah selesai proses erase, tutup windows Disk Utilities. Pada windows pilihan drive akan muncul drive yang Anda erase tadi. Pilih drive tersebut dimana drive tersebut untuk tujuan instalasi Mac. Klik Continue. Custumize adalah pilihan software OSX yang akan di install, pilihlah seperti pada gambar, kecuali Anda yakin dengan pilihan Anda. Lalu klik continue. Proses install mulai, klik Skip untuk menghentikan proses cek DVD instalasi.

Nah... Proses instalasi Mac akan berjalan kurang lebih sekitar 18-25 menit. Duduk santai dan nikmati kopi dan rokok Anda.

Step 5
Klik restart setelah prose instalasi selesai. Biarkan Leopard boot lewat HD sendiri. Jangan rubah dulu biosnya dan jangan ambil dulu master DVD MAcnya. Anda akan menuju ke pilihan/deteksi keyboard. Klik ok. Turuti perintah Mac dengan menekan tombol Shift. Jika keyboard Anda tidak dikenali, maka Mac akan otomatis memilihkan keyboard yang sesuai dengan Keyboard Anda. Disini saya memilih Keyboard ANSI. Klik Continue. Pilih tempat/negara Anda klik Continue.

Ikuti Proses Registrasi Mac OSx. Terakhir klik Done. Mac Osx siap berjalan di PC Anda. Selamat memulai OS baru yang lain dari yang lain.

Jika Anda menyukai Mac OS, jangan membajak. Kasihan Apple, ratusan orang bekerja untuk OS ini, sementara mereka hanya membajak. Belilah CD MAC Original. Kalau harganya mahal, setidaknya belilah License-nya.

Thank to All OSX86 Community and Team of Hackinthos !!

Tutorial ini hanya sebagai versi Demo dari perusahaan Apple yang membantu pemasaran produk Apple.
Jika Anda suka MacOSX, belilah sekarang juga !!!
JIka Harganya mahal, Anda bisa setidaknya membeli License-nya.

Wide Screen Wallpaper

XP Speed Secret

XP Speed Secret #1: Disable Extra StartupAdd Image Programs
There are certain programs that Windows will start every time you boot up your system, and during the startup phase, they're all competing for a slice of your CPU speed. Extra or unwanted items in the startup list will definitely increase your startup time, perhaps by several minutes. Some common examples are things related toAOL, RealPlayer, Napster, instant messengers, and video managers. If you're not sure about an item, no big deal. You can turn it off, restart your PC, and see if everything seems to work. If not, you can always go back and re-enable an item in the Startup list. This tip alone should speed up your start-up by 250%. Here are is what you have to do:
Go to Start button
RunType "msconfig", without quotations Hit enter key or click the OK button
A System Configuration Utility window will show up
Click the Startup tab In the Startup tab you will see several boxes and some of them will selected
All you have to do is to uncheck extra items that are of no use. If you run an antivirus program it is not recommended to uncheck it. After making you choices press the OK button, you will be prompted to restart computer to apply changes. After restarting your computer a dialogue will be displayed. You can check the option for not showing this dialogue everytime your PC reboots.

XP Speed Secret #2: Remove Spyware, Adware, and Malware
Have you scanned your system for spyware, adware and other unwanted pests? 1 of 6 computers has some sort of Spyware or Malware! They dramatically slow down your computer because they use resources to generate popup ads, send spam, and often interfere with the operation of good programs.If you haven’t scanned recently, we recommend a free scan from a good anti-spyware program. We prefer to use stand-alone, high quality anti-spyware programs like XoftSpy Pro, which give us the ability to scan and repair these problems in seconds.FINAL NOTE: Recent testing has shown that stand-alone programs do a much better job than the “all-in-one” packages (eg. Norton Internet Security) at detecting spyware, adware, and malware.

XP Speed Secret #3: Optimize Display Settings
Windows XP can look sexy but displaying all the visual items can waste system resources. To optimize:
Click the Start button
Select Control Panel Double-click the System icon
Click the Advanced tabIn the Performance box click Settings Leave only the following ticked:
a. Use common task in folder
b. Use drop shadows for icons labels on the desktop
c. Use visual styles on windows and buttons
Finally, click Apply and OK
XP Speed Secret #4: Speed-Up File Browsing
You may have noticed that every time you open “My Computer” to browse folders that there is a slight delay. This is because Windows XP automatically searches for network files and printers every time you open Windows Explorer. To fix this and to increase browsing speed significantly:
Double-click on My Computer
Click the Tools menu Select Folder Options
Click on the View tab.
Uncheck the Automatically search for network folders and printers check box
Click Apply
Click OK
Reboot your computer

XP Speed Secret #5: Reduce Page File Size
Page file size is not constant by default. Due to this, the operating system has to resize the file each time more space is required. This is a performance overhead. All you have to do is to set the file size to a reasonable limit.
Follow the steps:
Right-click My Computer, Select Properties
Click the Advanced tab Click the Settings button under the Performance section
Click the Advanced tab Under the Virtual Memory section
click the Change button "Virtual Memory" dialogue box will appear(also shown in the figure below)Highlight the C: drive or where windows system stored / containing page fileSelect the Custom Size radio button and give same values in Initialsize and Maximum size fields:
If you have less than 512MB of memory, leave the page file at its default size. If you have 512MB or more, change the ratio to 1:1 page file size to physical memory size.Click Set, then OK buttons to apply the changes.

XP Speed Secret #6: Clean Your System Registry
Of course, the fastest and easiest way to speed-up your computer is to allow a software program to do it for you! Although you will findthat all of the adjustments in this book will speed up your system, the most effective and easiest way to give your computer blazingspeed is to clean up your system’s Registry. Your computer is like your car: it needs periodic maintenance to keep it running at optimum performance. Installing and un-installing programs, surfing the Internet, emailing, and other everyday activities create a sort of “sludge” that builds up in your computerover time, much like an automobile engine. After a while, it doesn't startup like when it was new, it stalls unexpectedly, and performanceis sluggish on the (information) highway. We strongly recommend running a free Registry scan to find out how many errors you computer is hiding from you. Your computer will likely have hundreds of Registry errors that are dramatically slowing down the potential speed and performance.

XP Speed Secret #7: Run Disk Clean-Up
Both Windows and application programs tend to leave temporary files lying around on your hard drive, taking up space. A hard drive that is close to being “full” can cause Windows to slow down or interfere with efficient disk access and virtual memory operations. If you surf the web a lot, your temporary internet files folder canbecome quite large, causing Internet Explorer to slow down or malfunction. Cleaning up unneeded files, scanning for disk errorsand defragmenting the hard drive can help to restore some zip to your system. Try to run once a month for peak performance.
Double-click the My Computer icon.
Right-click on the C: drive
Select Properties
Click the Disk Cleanup button (to the bottom-right of the Capacity pie graph)
Select / check Temporary Internet Files and Recycle Bin Click OK

XP Speed Secret #8: Enable Direct Memory
Access (DMA)Right-click on My Computer, select PropertiesSelect the Hardware tabClick the Device Manager buttonDouble-click IDE/ATAPI controllersDouble-click on the Primary IDE ChannelClick on the Advanced Settings tab (as shown in figure) The tab may or may not be available for each option. It is only available in Primary and Secondary Channels.
Set the Transfer Mode to "DMA if Available" both for Device 1 and 0
Click OK.
Perform the same operation for other items in the list, if applicable.

XP Speed Secret #9: Disable File Indexing
Indexing Services is a small little program that uses large amounts of memory and can often make a computer endlessly loud and noisy. This system process indexes and updates lists of all the files that are on your computer. It does this so that when you do a search for something on your computer, it will search faster by scanning theindex lists. If you don’t search your computer often, this system service is completely unnecessary. To disable do the following:
Click Start button
Select the Control Panel
Double-click Add/Remove Programs
Click the Add/Remove Window Components icon on the left side of the windowThis may take a few seconds to load. Be patient.Look for the “Indexing Services” component in the list Uncheck the Indexing Services
Click Next
Click Finish
XP Speed Secret #10: Remove Un-Used Programs & Files
You may have a bunch of software packages on your hard drive that are no longer needed, or they were gratuitously installed when you downloaded some other package. Toolbars, file-sharing programs, free email enhancers, online shopping "companions" and download managers are notorious for this practice. These uninvited guests can put a big drag on your startup time, cause web pages to load slowly, and generally bog down your computer.
Click Start buttonSelect Control PanelDouble-click Add/Remove Programs iconSee what programs are installed that you don’t typically useSelect the Remove button for the ones you know you don't needIf you’re unsure about some programs, do a web search to learn about the ones that you need to keep.